"Réactivité et Catalyse par Transfert d’Électrons"

| Responsable : Marc ROBERT

Equipe REACTE - Juillet 2022

REACTE website

Visit our website: REACTE@LEM


Membres de l'équipe

Membres permanents :

Elodie ANXOLABEHERE-MALLART (Directrice de Recherche, CNRS)
Julien BONIN (Professeur, U Paris Cité)
Marc ROBERT (Professeur, U Paris Cité)
Niklas von WOLFF (Chargé de Recherche, CNRS)

Membres non-permanents :

Duobin CHAO (Chercheur invité)
Uttam Kuma GORAI (Chercheur invité)

Dependu DOLUI (Postdoctorant)
Hesham HAMAD (Postdoctorant)
Paulo JUNIOR (Postdoctorant)
Chok KASSEM (Postdoctorant)
Chengyu LIU (Postdoctorant)
Debashrita SARKAR (Postdoctorante)

Jaya BHARTI (Doctorante)
Francesco CRISANTI (Doctorant)
Jérémy DE FREITAS (Doctorant)
Aude SALAME (Doctorante)
Junming SHAO (Doctorant)
Siwen ZHAO (Doctorante)


Our group, REACTE (“Reactivity and Catalysis using Electron Tranfers”), is recognized at an international level in the field of molecular electrochemistry and photochemistry, electron transfer reactivity and catalysis. Recently, we have made important contributions to proton-coupled electron transfers (PCET) reactions, that are the object of current active theoretical and experimental attention in view of their implication in a huge number of natural and synthetic processes. Concerning the later, we are investigating the (photo)electrochemical activation of small molecules such as H2, O2, H2O, CO2, N2 by metal complexes in solution as well as attached to surfaces or materials, in an effort to address contemporary energy challenges (storing energy into chemical bonds). For all of these reactions, the coupling of electron and proton transfers is playing a crucial role, both in terms of mechanism, efficiency, and product distribution. We are also developing new methodology and reactions for green electrosynthesis, in an effort to electrify homogeneous catalysis.


Molecular electrochemistry
Molecular catalysis and catalytic films
Hybrid catalysts
Light-driven catalysis
Electron transfer
Proton-coupled electron transfer
Activation of small molecules (N2, CO2, O2, H2O)
Solar fuels
Bioinspired reactions
Reaction mechanisms
Ab initio calculations
Electron transfer models.

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