12 mois

Oxidative Flow Electrosynthesis

Offre de postdoc dans l'équipe ELIAS - A pourvoir dès maintenant.

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The goal of this joint project – between an academic research laboratory (LEM, University of Paris) and a start-up company (INNOVERDA) – is to develop a novel and sustainable synthetic access to bioactive compounds via oxidative flow electrosynthesis. Conventional synthetic methods often suffer from low yields and toxic or explosive reagents. The goal of this project is to increase synthesis yields and develop new pathway while using environmentally friendly methods, thus following the current trend towards Green Chemistry. Electrolysis will help to avoid currently employed dangerous reagents. The new procedure will be designed as a flow electrosynthesis with the possibility of upscaling up to kg conversion, preparing a novel industrial process.
Our approach aims to combine low-cost, low-waste and eco-responsible synthesis processes with a strong economic potential related to public health.
All applications should include a cover letter and a CV.

Claire FAVE - Contacter
LEM - UParis

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12 months

Postdoc offer

Greener Oxygenations and Halogenations via Electrochemical O2 Activation